
Pinal County Arizona

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Getting A Criminal Record that will last the rest of his life. Loosing his right to vote. Has to put "I'v been arrested" on every resume for the rest of his life, not a good way for Pinal County to send our teens off into the world.

David Cook, Pinal County Elected Politician. Swirving all over the road, lied said he dropped his phone. Given extra time to sober up before a blood draw. Still gets and Extreme DUI and Sentenced to?

After being arrested for under the influence and being caught on camera asking the officer to let him go. Great he got fogivness but the kid with the vape pen will never be able to become an officer or inlist in the military. This is wrong doing.

Casa Grande police pulled over Pinal County's Presiding Superior Court Judge Stephen McCarville for a traffic violation. He admitted to drinking "two or three beers. He admitted to having an open container of alcohol in the car.

Are Pinal County Teens Treated like Politicians?


Now locked up in Pinal County Jails with records to follow them the rest of their lives.

  • Mormon
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  • Athiest

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Pinal County Teens, young adults and Citizens are being preyed on, jailed and given records that will follow them for the rest of their lives.  While it seems other get slaps on the hand and lots of forgiveness. It's not fair and its needs to stop!

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